
Websites that make me happy. :)

Oregon Athletic Bands
This is the hub for anything having to do with the Oregon Athletic Bands, an organization that encompasses its flagship group, the Oregon Marching Band, as well as the Oregon Basketball Band, Green Garter Band and Yellow Garter Band.
You can also follow the OAB Facebook, Twitter and YouTube pages!

Oregon Athletic Band Council
This is the homepage for the Oregon Athletic Band Council, a group of student leaders that supports and serves the Oregon Athletic Bands. They organize events, including the annual Festival of Bands hosted by the Oregon Marching Band at Autzen Stadium, and act as liaisons between the staff and band members. Plus, I'm pimping this site because I made it...shameless I know.

U.S. Naval Air Station Lemoore
Gotta shout out to my sister Abi, who graduated from Newberg High School in June 2010 and is now serving the U.S.!

In my opinion, it's better than Pandora, because you actually get to pick the music you want to listen to. You can also embed players on websites - check out the music on my blog page!